Privacy Policy


Holofans Orchestra Management (hereinafter referred to as "our organization") respects the privacy of all individuals (hereinafter referred to as "users") who use the website and services provided by our organization (hereinafter referred to as "services"), and participants (hereinafter referred to as "event participants") in events (hereinafter referred to as "events") conducted by our organization. In order to protect personal information, we comply with the Personal Information Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as "Protection Law") and make efforts to handle and protect personal information appropriately in accordance with this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy").

Personal Information Collected by Our Organization

"Personal information" in our organization refers to email addresses, phone numbers, account name, Discord account, and Google account.

Purposes for Using Personal Information

Our organization will use personal information of users and event participants within the scope of the following purposes:

  1. To provide information related to the event.
  2. For identification of users and event participants.
  3. To manage the information of users and event participants.
  4. To notify matters necessary for the operation of the event, including those by email.
  5. For creating and using statistical information in an anonymized format on this site.
  6. To notify changes in terms and conditions related to this site and events.
  7. For data analysis and analytics necessary for the development of this site.
  8. For exercising rights and fulfilling obligations under contracts and laws.
  9. For responding to various inquiries.
  10. For other purposes incidental to the above.

Provision and Restriction of Use of Personal Information

Our organization will not use or provide personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use, except in the following cases:

  1. When the user or event participant has given prior consent.
  2. When permitted by law.
  3. When necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user or event participant.
  4. When necessary to cooperate with a national institution or local public entity or their entrusted parties in executing affairs stipulated by law, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
  5. When our organization deems it necessary to disclose to those bound by confidentiality obligations to our organization, such as attorneys, in the implementation of the event.
  6. In the case of business succession, including the provision of personal information, due to reasons such as operational transfer.

Appropriate Acquisition

Our organization shall acquire personal information by appropriate methods and shall not acquire it by fraudulent or unfair means.

Security Management of Personal Information

Our organization will manage personal information properly to prevent leakage or damage and to ensure other security management of personal information. We will also provide appropriate supervision to those handling the information. Moreover, only authorized personnel within our organization will handle personal information, to the extent necessary for operation.

Management of Personal Information Outside Our Organization

Our organization is not aware of the use of personal information collected independently by third-party sites and services that can be accessed through our organization, or the links from our organization. Therefore, we cannot assume any obligation or responsibility for independent regulations or activities of these companies or sites. Please use them after confirming the privacy policies of each site.

Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, Deletion, etc. of Personal Information

Our organization will respond to requests for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and notification of the purposes of use of personal information in accordance with the Protection Law and other laws and regulations. However, if it is impossible to verify the identity of the person making the request or if the request does not meet the requirements stipulated by the Protection Law, we may not be able to comply with your request. Also, we may refuse requests that could impede the operation of our organization or pertain to information other than personal information, such as access logs.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Our organization may change the content of this policy as necessary to protect personal information. When changes are made, the latest privacy policy will be posted on this site. The revised privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this site, unless otherwise specified. Furthermore, if users and event participants use this site or participate in events after the effect of changes to the privacy policy, they are deemed to have consented to all contents of the revised privacy policy. Users and event participants are requested to check for changes in this policy from time to time and understand our organization's privacy policy.

2024.5.16 updated